Il Romeo                                                               The Pilgrim


Vagò mendico il core                                            My heart wanders, as a beggar,

tutto il regno d'amor                                             through the dominions of love,

dimandando pietà, chiedendo aita                        asking for kindness, seeking help

nell'infelice sua povera vita.                                  in its wretched, unhappy life.

Nè per ben salda fede                                           Not even for good payment of faithfulness

potè trovar mercede,                                             could it find mercy,

que di quante egli amò crudeli a torto                  so unjustly cruel is the one that it loves,

ch'l fuggi, ch'il tradì, ch'il volle morto.                 that it flees, betrays, wishes it dead.

Tornò dal suo camino                                            From its journey,

il mio cor pellegrino,                                             my pilgrim heart returned,

nè pietoso favor ha mai trovato                            never having found compassionate kindness

per il mendico suo misero stato.                            for the beggar’s miserable state.

Femminil cortesia forz'è che spenta sia,                Women’s kindness is so burned out

ch'ogni ricca beltà resa tenace                               that no woman rich with beauty

non l'udì, nol mirò,                                                would either hear or look at it [my heart];

lo mandò in pace.                                                  they send it away in peace.