Top Navbar: If not logged in If logged in [ [(lute icon) Home] Search Browse [signup|login] or [Username:Usertype] ] Dropdowns: Search: Browse: Username Normal Sources Logout, Modify account Detailed Composers Facsimiles TAB files Spreadsheet see search.txt See browse.txt see accounts.txt Accessible Lute Music (Picture to left) [Text block wraps around picture:] Here you will find more than 8000 lute pieces (60,000 files) in French tablature in the fronimo (ft3), from Francesco Tribioli. Make sure you have the latest version, as earlier versions may not be compatible. Pieces are also provided in midi, TAB, and PDF formats. I apologize to those who prefer other tab styles, such as Spanish or Italian, but I believe French is the most widely style, though it is easy to change in fronimo to another format. These pieces are mostly for renaissance lute, but quite a few are for baroque lute and archlute, and a very few for theorbo, cittern, bandora, guitar etc. Other pieces include songs, continuo, and other ensemble pieces, listed by composer. Under Lute ensemble in the list of composers, you will find pieces for two or more lutes. I hope you get and give a great deal of pleasure from playing the pieces on this site. Recent postings [text to fit available space, in such a way that there are no orphans or widows, however many postings that is, then a (More) button to scroll further, with same restraints. If a single posting is too large to fit, then it needs a scroll bar.] At bottom: [Mission Statement-see mission.txt] [Editorial Policy-see policy,txt] [Credits] [Mirror sites] [Lute links] [FAQs] [About the editor] These are buttons that go the the appropriate html links.